About Us
Meet Brealin
Brealin’s journey into birth work began after the birth of her first child in 2003, which unfortunately ended in a traumatizing cesarean following a difficult induction. Looking to heal from the trauma, Brealin dove head-first into researching all aspects of birth. After giving birth to her second child in 2008, Brealin sought to advance her birth and childcare experience by becoming a certified car seat technician (CPST via SafeKids Worldwide) and certified birth doula. Once again diving in with passion, Brealin began supporting families in the doula role and volunteered at countless car seat community events. She soon realized that while she loved supporting families emotionally and physically, she wanted to do even more. Brealin realized she needed to become a midwife so she could give families the option of autonomous, evidence-based care.
Brealin focused on completing her education and received a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration. She continued to work as a doula while learning and preparing to begin the clinical requirements for midwife licensure. In 2015 Brealin gave birth to her third child -at home!- and was finally able to begin her midwifery apprenticeship the following year. During this 3 year apprenticeship, Brealin gave birth to her fourth child -also at home!- before earning her midwife license in 2019. Now as a fully licensed midwife with years of birth work, prenatal, and neonatal experience, Brealin is thrilled to be serving families across the Valley to achieve positive, safe birth experiences. Brealin’s practice is unique in its focus on postpartum care through postpartum doula services and IBCLC support.

Want to learn more about Brealin? Read on to hear what her clients have to say!
When I found out I was pregnant I immediately started searching for a midwife. Brealin was the one most recommended to me by ladies on a Facebook group I was in, and so I reached out to her... I found out very quickly why she was so highly recommended! I was able to connect with her on a very personal level and she made me so much more relaxed and excited about the whole experience. Emma, our baby girl, is our first and so the emotions were crazy and everything was new to us... Brealin was a constant in our lives during the pregnancy and I knew I could call her at any time with any concern and she’d be honest and helpful. She made laboring at home comfortable and enjoyable, regardless of my situation. I ended up needing to go to the hospital, unfortunately, since my body gave out; however Brealin recommended the best doctor and helped us get in to see him right away, and after everything was said and done our beautiful baby girl was in this world! She stayed in touch with me throughout the whole process and came to meet Emma when we got home from the hospital per my request because something just felt wrong. Brealin discovered that our daughter had severe tongue, lip, and buccal ties and thanks to her knowledge and experience we were able to get those corrected and resolved before they caused any more problems! Almost every time I feed my daughter I am reminded how blessed we have been to have Brealin in our life. Because of her, I can truly look back on our first experience with pregnancy, labor, and delivery and say we had a good one. I highly recommend Brealin because of the simple fact that she is an excellent midwife and is incredibly easy to vibe with. You won’t regret hiring her! — Bethany
Brealin was referred to me by my Doula, because I was having a difficult time finding a midwife that I felt a connection with in my area. During the initial consultation, it became clear to me that Brealin is passionate about birth work and being a midwife. After that, I knew I wanted her to be a part of my journey. Being a first time mom, there was so much I didn’t know about having a baby, and Brealin walked me through every step. From when she took over my care at 26 weeks, to my amazing home birth, and through my -week postpartum appointment. Brealin made me feel safe, and there was never a doubt in my mind that she could handle any unexpected situation that arose. Brealin gave me autonomy in many of the decisions pertaining to my care, which was an empowering feeling- being able to trust my body. She would lay out the options and let me decide what I wanted. During Rhea’s birth, Brealin helped me feel safe, and that my baby was safe. When she monitored mine and my baby’s vitals I barely even noticed. I remember when I was so close to pushing my baby girl out, I didn’t think I had any more push left in me. Brealin gave me a pep talk that helped me to get through those last few minutes. I highly recommend Brealin as a midwife to anyone looking for a more “mom and baby centered” plan of care during your pregnancy and postpartum. Thank you, Brealin! — Parry
Brealin was one of the midwives at my home birth in June of 2019. She was the first to arrive and I was already in transition (quick labor!) and I was freaking out a bit and in complete denial that this baby was coming. She was calm and prepared and she talked me through each contraction while setting up the birth supplies. She made me laugh in between contractions and told me I could do it when I was sure I couldn’t. After the birth, she made sure I got something to eat and drink and was comfortable. She was such a blessing at my birth and I am so grateful she was there that day! I will recommend her again and again. 💗 — Malaura
Brealin was the assistant midwife during my home birth in 2018 and she is one of the midwives on my team for my current pregnancy! Brea is a pleasure to work with - as a mother herself, she has provided me with insight into the different things to expect throughout my pregnancies and deliveries. When my 2nd daughter was born in 2018, Brea completed the 3 day newborn check and identified my daughter’s lip and tongue ties that were causing me excruciating pain while feeding. Thanks to her expertise, we were able to get the issue corrected right away. One of the fantastic things about working with Brea is that her knowledge is really all-encompassing, from prenatal care, support during and immediately after delivery, and neonatal and postpartum support. I highly recommend her services! — Shoshana
I had happily been going along with pregnancy care with a homebirth midwife in Tucson from about week 28 of my pregnancy. In my last month of pregnancy, a huge conflict arose with my care provider and I was presented with the choice to compromise or switch providers. My doula intervened, recognizing I was completely overwhelmed and on the verge of sacrificing my vision for a reason that frankly wasn't a good enough reason. Within 24 hours I was on the phone with Brealin, and feeling seen, heard and like anything was possible. Brealin drove to Tucson for our initial meeting, and we spent three hours getting to know each other. After that, it was a matter of waiting for baby. Brea checked in with me regularly and gave me assurance that we were on the same page. The day I went into labor, things progressed FAST. Brea showed up at about 10am and I was already 8cm. The rest of the day was a combination of really going deep into labor land and resurfacing to ask Brea for guidance. The amazing thing was that she was totally out of sight most of the time, but at my side in a flash if I needed her - exactly what I wanted. When it came time to push everything slowed down and I was so fully aware - I had an amazing support system and everything was perfect. My son was born into my arms. There was difficulty with my placenta, but with some herbs and creative repositioning, finally that was done, too, and I was able to just rest with my baby. Brea stayed in Tucson overnight to visit us and check up the next day. I am forever grateful for the care and the empowering support Brea gave us. She showed up in a pinch and really honored our needs. — Stacey